Trainers Network
Activation Valorization Appreciative Experiences
Build a harmonious life at work
Make your life a dream, and a dream a reality - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
A multidisciplinary team of 5 trainers and a work psychologist with all at least 10 years of corporate experience.
Help the persons to know themselves better, enable them to identify their success engines and eventual brakes, make skills emerge.

Help the persons to know themselves better, enable them to identify their success engines and eventual brakes, make skills emerge.
Our courses are developed based on your corporate culture, your goals and stakeholders needs
Certified facilitators in innovative workshops since 2006
1-2-3 Métiers©
A career counseling tool


An original and powerful tool to stimulate innovation, individual and collective intelligence


Prochaines sessions à Paris

Formation en Français « Concevoir et Animer des ateliers coopératifs avec la méthodologie LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®»
Certification délivrée par AVEA Partners RS5783 (CPF)
avec l’attestation “Certificate in Facilitating and Designing Workshops with the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method”
Robert Rasmussen est l'architecte de la méthodologie LSP chez LEGO®
Our approach

The support for people and teams in their professional development

Explore the field of positive experiences to help the persons to know themselves better, enabling them to identify their success engines and their eventual brakes, clarify issues and elements of their decision, foster and develop their skills.

AVEA Partners on Arte TV

Our history

Our passion is the development of a person's professional evolution for happiness at work. AVEA Partners facilitates the emergence of enablers for new individuals and teams projects. Since 10 years, we have developped an approach that values Appreciative Coaching and helps to build the base of trust for a successful professional life. Everyone can then believe in his talent and commitment to performance priorities, motivated and energized by the pleasure of doing.

Un accompagnement adapté à votre situation de handicap
La formation constitue une dimension déterminante des parcours d’accès à l’emploi et de maintien dans l’emploi des personnes en situation de handicap.
Vous souhaitez réaliser un bilan de compétences, vous inscrire dans une démarche de VAE ou vous former, l’équipe d’AVEA Partners vous accueille dans ses différents locaux accessibles PMR et autres situation de handicap.
Notre référente handicap Marie-Christine DUPONT – LEBLANC ([email protected]. – tél : 06 13 83 94 26) et son équipe vous accompagnent tout au long de votre parcours. Au cours d’un entretien préalable vous validerez avec notre consultant des modalités de déroulement des séances et un accompagnement sur mesure adaptés à vos besoins et à votre situation de handicap.